Precedence or operator strength determines order of evaluation; an operator with higher precedence is evaluated before one of lower precedence. 优先级或者说操作符的强度决定求值顺序;优先级高的操作符比优先级低的操作符先求值。
Extended object-based operator precedence algorithm was proposed on the basis of traditional operator precedence algorithm. 在传统算符优先归约算法的基础上,提出了扩展的、基于对象的算符优先算法。
The computer program results on precedence development sequence of six technical factors in China housing industry by the improving-hierarchy-analysis and fuzzy evaluation indicated that man is the most active factor among the productive forces and direct operator of various techniques. 根据改进的层次分析模糊综合评判(IAFE法)计算机程序运算的我国住宅产业六大技术要素优先发展的顺序结果表明,人是生产力最活跃的因素,也是各种技术的直接操作者。